Your Pipeliner at Work
Pipeline Services
Why Pig a Pipeline ?
Pipeline pigs are devices that are inserted into and travel throughout the length of a pipeline driven by a product flow. They were originally developed to remove deposits which could obstruct or retard flow through a pipeline . Today pigs are used during all phases in the life of a pipeline for many different reasons.

Although each pipeline has its own set of characteristics which affect how and why pigging is used, there are basically three reasons to pig a pipeline:

...Pipeline Services:
> The Benefit
  • To batch or separate dissimilar products;
  • For displacement purposes;
  • For internal inspection.
When you pig a pipeline;
  • Clean out deposits and debris
  • Gauging the internal bore to detect dent buckles
  • Cleaning off dirt, rust and mill scale
  • Flooding the line for hydrotest
  • Dewatering prior to commissioning
If you don't pig a pipeline ;
  • It wreak havoc with the operation of the pipeline by blocking downstream filters
  • Damaging pump impellers
  • Jamming valves open
  • Contamination of product
  • Corrosion attack inside the pipeline.
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